Morse Code Translator

Morse code (also translated as Morse code, Morse code) is an intermittent signal code, which expresses different letters of the alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks, etc. by arranging them in different order. It was invented by an American, Elfriede Vail, who was assisting Samuel Morse in the invention of the Morse telegraph (1835). The international Morse code is still used today. This online tool allows Morse code conversion online, without downloading and installation, the web version of the converter is available directly on the web.

Enter English letters in the English alphabet input field and click Convert to Morse to translate English to Morse code. Enter Morse code in the Morse code area and click Convert to English letters to convert Morse code to English words. Using this tool, you can achieve online translation of Morse code to deliver your mysterious message. Morse code is separated by spaces by default, and for easy display in web pages or files, many Morse are separated by a single slash/ to select before you click the Convert to Morse button. Here is the Morse code table.

26-letter Morse code table

Character Morse code Character Morse code Character Morse code Character Morse code
A .━ B ━ ... C ━ .━ . D ━ ..
E F ..━ . G ━ ━ . H ....
I .. J .━ ━ ━ K ━ .━ L .━ ..
M ━ ━ N ━ . O ━ ━ ━ P .━ ━ .
Q ━ ━ .━ R .━ . S ... T
U ..━ V ...━ W .━ ━ X ━ ..━
Y ━ .━ ━ Z ━ ━ ..        

Morse code table for numbers

Character Morse code Character Morse code Character Morse code Character Morse code
0 ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ 1 .━ ━ ━ ━ 2 ..━ ━ ━ 3 ...━ ━
4 ....━ 5 ..... 6 ━ .... 7 ━ ━ ...
8 ━ ━ ━ .. 9 ━ ━ ━ ━ .        

Morse code table of punctuation marks

Character Morse code Character Morse code Character Morse code Character Morse code
. .━ .━ .━ : ━ ━ ━ ... , ━ ━ ..━ ━ ; ━ .━ .━ .
? ..━ ━ .. = ━ ...━ ' .━ ━ ━ ━ . / ━ ..━ .
! ━ .━ .━ ━ ━ ....━ _ ..━ ━ .━ " .━ ..━ .
( ━ .━ ━ . ) ━ .━ ━ .━ $ ...━ ..━ & . ...
@ .━ ━ .━ .